Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Top 7 Face Friendly Foods

Face-friendly food 3: Cucumber Okay, so you can slice off a couple of rounds and pop them on your eyes too, but the nutritional properties of cucumber make them a skin-friendly food to eat as well. Cucumber has high water content and staying hydrated has to be one of the golden rules when it comes to good nutrition for your skin. Boost your cucumber intake by including them as crudités, in salads and even in drinks - cucumber whizzed up with yogurt, mint and a dash of milk makes a delicious Lassi.

Face-friendly food 5: Dark leafy greens Spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, and swiss chard are all great examples of dark leafy greens that are fantastic for maintaining healthy skin. It's all to do with their super levels of antioxidant, vitamins A, C, E and the mineral iron - which is essential for keeping your blood healthy and your skin bright. If you are not a great lover of greens you can always add them to a smoothie or sneak watercress, rocket or baby spinach into salads and sarnies to ensure you get your fill.

Face-friendly food 7: Extra virgin olive oil Integral to the Mediterranean diet, extra virgin olive oil can help nourish your skin from the inside out. High levels of the antioxidant vitamin E and source of the 'good fats' are what makes extra virgin olive oil so skin-beneficial. If you don't already, try using it in place of your regular cooking oil and include a drizzle on salads, pasta and pizza.

Face-friendly food 1: Berries Berries act as the perfect healthy skin pick 'n' mix as they provide the perfect combo of antioxidants and vitamins C and E in an easy pick-up package. Vitamin C is really face-friendly as it helps produce collagen, the facial framework tissue which keeps your complexion plump and smooth. Blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and blueberries are some of our favorites and easy as to get into your daily diet, but make sure they are eaten fresh and unheated; you'll get the most antioxidants and vitamins that way.

Face-friendly food 4: Salmon (Rawas) Oily fish is super skin-friendly as its rich in the essential lipids (fats) that the skin needs to be healthy. The fatty acid Omega 3 is your friend when it comes to maintaining a healthy and young-looking complexion as it maintains skin elasticity and works to keep cell membranes healthy. Other examples of oily fish include trout, mackerel, tuna, anchovies and sardines.

Face-friendly food 6: Beans It's the existence of isoflaves - potent antioxidants that make beans a fabulous face-friendly food. Antioxidants are great because they reduce the free radicals in your body (which cause aging) and make you look and feel great. And black beans, chickpeas, lentils and soybeans are good choices of beans/legumes to incorporate into your diet.

Face-friendly food 2: Wholegrains Wholegrains are a facial super food as they are fantastic for your digestion, and when your body is working to get rid of waste and toxins efficiently it shows on your skin. Go for brown or wholemeal pasta, rice and breads to get your wholegrains as well increase your intake of fiber. These foods not only boost digestion transit they are also great sources of iron and another skin-loving nutrient, vitamin B as well as helping you to feel full and satiated.

Most Surprising Benefits of Multani Mitti

Fuller's earth better known as multani mitti, is one of the most popular beauty products in India. It helps to reduce acne, cleanses your skin deeply, does not have any side effects, and is affordable too!

But, did you know that along with being used as a face pack, multani mitti can be used for other purposes also? Here, explore the multiple benefits of this product for your skin, hair, and home.

Unlike most face packs, multani mitti can be used on any skin type. If you have oily skin then simply mix multani mitti with rose water and apply it on your face. Those who have dry skin should add a paste of almond and milk to multani mitti and apply it regularly for nourishing their skin.

Reduces pimples

The best way to soothe red angry pimples on your face is to use multani mitti. Mix it with tomato juice, turmeric and sandalwood (chandan) and apply it on your face for ten minutes to reduce the inflammation. To get rid of pimple marks, add neem paste, clove paste, camphor (kapur), and rose water to multani mitti and use it every week.

As a body wash

Want an affordable and natural body wash, which will leave your skin soft and supple? Then mix a cup of oatmeal and neem powder along with a spoonful of turmeric, one fourth cup of chandan, black chickpeas (chana) powder, some milk and multani mitti. Use this daily as your body wash and you will be delighted to see the healthy glow on your skin.

Substitute for shampoo

Replacing your shampoo with multani mitti is one of the best gifts you can give your hair. It acts as a mild cleansing agent that will not only get rid of the excessive oil from your scalp, but will also condition it deeply. Multani mitti removes all the dirt from your hair without washing away the natural moisturisers.

Get rid of split ends

A multani mitti hair pack is all you need if you want to get rid of your split ends! Oil your hair overnight and in the morning wrap a towel dipped in hot water around it. After an hour, wash your hair with a paste of multani mitti and curd. Next day, shampoo your hair and apply your conditioner. Use this pack every week and your split ends will definitely disappear.

Improves blood circulation

Multani mitti paste is very soothing and can improve the blood circulation in your body. All you have to do is simply apply the mixture on your tired limbs and you will start feeling better in no time.

Hot and cold compresses

If you are suffering from muscle cramps, burns, insect bites or even menstrual pain, you can use multani mitti as either a hot or a cold compress. Just mix it with either warm or cold water and apply the paste on the affected area. If you are badly sunburnt and want to soothe your skin, you can apply the paste on your entire body. However, avoid the chest area as this paste is very cold and may give you a cold.

Stain remover

Multani mitti is used to absorb stubborn stains like grease, oil and even blood on your clothes. Just wet the stained area and rub multani mitti on it till the stain vanishes.

Monday, August 26, 2013

8 ways to become a better saver

8 ways to become a better saver
Set a Realistic Goal

If you’re disciplined enough to save money consistently on a monthly basis, start off with a small budget. Don’t feel like you have to put off saving because there isn’t enough money.

Saving Rs 25000 per month may not be in your budget, but 5000 is. After saving those small increments, increase the amount of money you're saving.

As a rule, you should be saving 20% of your take-home pay. It’s a good idea to set up alerts as a reminder to stay on top of your savings goals.

8 ways to become a better saver
Find yourself in short of money every time you really need it for an emergency or a well deserved vacation? Make a list of your expenses, you just may be surprised to find out you're spending way too much on restaurants and eating out, or discover you're not saving enough compared to how much you're spending. (The general rule suggested by money experts is to save 20 percent of your income.)

8 ways to become a better saver
Pay Yourself First

Always make sure you think about your financial stability first. Take a portion of your paycheck and use the automated direct deposit feature to transfer it into a savings account. Direct deposit is the better option to deter from temptation of spending money.

8 ways to become a better saver
Change to Spare 

Every time you break a bill and get change back, put it in a jar to act as a piggy bank. When the jar is full, take it to the bank and deposit it. Some banks offer free coin counting machines which alleviates the task of counting coins on the dining room table.

8 ways to become a better saverWhether you create your own personalized spreadsheet, or prefer to use tools like Mint.com, it's a must to write down where you spend your money.

8 ways to become a better saver
Make Cuts
Sacrifice and brown bag your lunch to work several times a week. Whatever amount you usually spend on coffee or a meal at a restaurant during lunch, throw it into your savings account. You could potentially save hundreds to thousands of dollars annually.

8 ways to become a better saverWait 24 Hours 

This tip relates back to impulse shopping and frivolous spending habits. If you’re out shopping and thinking about making a purchase, walk away from the items and give yourself 24 hours to cool off.

If you feel after this time has passed that you still want the item then go back and buy it. Some will be more inclined not to buy anything after walking away. This is a good way to train yourself to curb away from impulse buying.

8 ways to become a better saver
Extra Cash 
After receiving any excess cash such as tax refunds, bonuses, gifts or any additional income, deposit it into your savings account before you get the urge to spend it.
8 ways to become a better saver
Shop Online for Rates
Comparison shop for the best and highest interest rates online. You want your hard earned money to work for you and mature in the meantime.

8 ways to become a better saver
Keep a Budget
We've all heard money experts advise keeping a budget. This is to track where you're spending and how you can curb those habits. You may not be aware you're spending Rs 2500 a month on eating out. Track your spending and then try to cut corners in one area where you're spending too much money.

10 Ways Walnuts Make You Gorgeous

Good skin texture: 
Apart from fighting signs of ageing and providing you with glowing skin, walnuts boost your skin’s overall health. They are rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant that protects your skin against sun damage. Along with this, walnuts are a rich source of healthy omega-3 fats, which help in strengthening your skin cells, locking moisture in your skin, and keeping the toxins out. Also, proteins in this nut boost bone development and help in supporting collagen production in your body. So, add a few nuts in your diet today!

Immunity booster: 
Walnuts are a rich source of good fats, vitamins, proteins and other nutrients. Being packed with so much goodness, definitely makes it one of the best dry fruits that boost your overall health. From lowering risks of heart diseases and certain types of cancer to boosting digestion and metabolism, this nut does it all. Walnuts also help your body to get rid of all skin impurities quite easily and efficiently. A walnut can also helps in tackling your vision related problems.

So, if you want to be a beauty with brains then include a few walnuts in your daily diet today!

Good during pregnancy: 
Walnuts contain vitamin B complex groups, which aid in adding folates, riboflavin, thiamin and more into the body of a pregnant mother. Walnuts are also packed with magnesium, proteins, healthy fibres and fatty acids that are good for a pregnant mother and her baby. Other than adding to the good health of the mother and the baby, applying walnut oil will make the mother’s skin glow with good health.

Beautiful and strong hair: 
Walnut oil has often been added as an essential ingredient in several hair care products. This dry fruit has the potential of making the hair black and lustrous. It contains biotin, an essential nutrient, which makes your hair strong and voluminous. Since walnuts contain the goodness of protein, they help in strengthening the roots of the hair. Regular usage of walnut oil or consumption of walnuts will make the hair strong and beautiful.

Boosts your brain's health: 
This is perfect food for availing the combination of beauty with brains. Its striking resemblance to the structure of brain is not a mere coincidence; it does help in development of brain. Eating a handful daily will serve the purpose of boosting the brain power, memory and the entire nervous system. Omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts help in circulation of oxygen and nutrient rich blood in your body, thus aiding your brain to function properly.

Help in weight loss: 
Here comes the best of all. Other than boosting your skin’s texture and your immunity, walnuts also aid in your weight loss. Due to high content of good fats, dietary fibres and proteins, they helps in lowering blood cholesterol levels. This in turn leads to reduction in fat accumulation in the body. Other than this, a research conducted by University of Navarra, Spain, found that people who consumed nuts regularly had 31 per cent higher chances of losing weight than those who did not eat any nuts. But, it is always best to take them in moderation, and avoid the salted packaged varieties.

Walnut oil for skin infections
While the dry fruit is good for making the skin beautiful and lustrous, its oil has properties to treat skin infections as well. Walnut oil is known for its antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Athlete’s foot, Psoriasis and Candida like grave skin infections can be cured with the application of walnut oil. In fact, mixing the oil with other natural antifungal ingredients like garlic will also speed up the healing process. 

For a tension-free sleep
Yes, walnuts help in improving your mood as well. They contain a lot of vitamin B and omega-3 fatty acids, which help you to balance your mood and fight depression. They also help you to get rid of fatigue, anxiety, and insomnia. So, add walnuts to your diet to get good and tension free sleep, because lack of sleep can also lead to problems like puffy eyes, wrinkles and weight gain. (Also read on How to Wake Up Looking Beautiful)

Keeps signs of ageing at bay: 
Walnuts are rich in antioxidants, which help in skin regeneration and elasticity. These antioxidants boost collagen production and cell repair, thereby toning the skin and keeping the signs of ageing at bay. Whether it is the fine lines, wrinkles or age spots, now you can kiss them goodbye by eating walnuts or by applying walnut oil on your face every day.

Clear and glowing skin: 
Walnuts have chemical properties, which boost blood circulation, thus bringing oxygen and nutrients to each and every cell. This circulation of blood helps the skin to glow with good health. Just 3-4 walnuts in a day, during snack time, will help your skin regain that healthy glow.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Yoga poses to help you sleep better...


Child's Pose: Kneel on the floor or bed with knees apart. Rest your chest on your thighs. Bring your arms alongside your body. Let your forehead drop to the bed. Hold for 45 seconds to 1 minute (longer if it feels good!).

Forward Bend: Swing your legs out in front of you. Bring your arms behind your back and clasp your hands together. Hinge forward from your hips. Bring your hands over your head.

Viparita karani: This posture is alternately known as Legs-up-the-wall pose. With your back on the yoga mat, gradually extend your legs up the wall. Keep your arms on the floor with your palms facing upwards. Close your eyes and then gently stretch your heels by extending it towards the ceiling. Ensure that you take long and steady breaths while performing this technique.

Easy Spinal Twist: Bring your left knee into your chest and let your right leg go straight. Take a deep breath; on your next exhale, bring the bent knee across your body, keeping your shoulder blades on the bed. Look over your left shoulder to complete the twist. Bring both knees into your chest and then switch sides. Your right knee comes into your chest, and your left leg goes straight. Hold for 45 seconds to 1 minute, then release and bring both knees into your chest.

Adho mukha svanasana: This technique is popularly known as the downward facing dog. Place your palms and knees on the yoga mat with your knees aligned directly under your hips and your hands a little ahead of your shoulders. This posture should be such that your toes are facing upwards. Now, exhale and slightly lift your pelvis away from the floor. Do not allow your head to dangle freely and hold it firmly in between your arms. Maintain this posture for minute or two and then relax. Repeat this for a total of 5-6 times per session.

Knees Into Chest: Lie flat on your back. As you inhale, bend both knees into your chest. Hug your knees and rock side to side.

Pranayama: Usually this is done in a sitting posture and involves steady-controlled breathing. However, you may also start with a lying posture as this will enable you to really feel your breath moving through your body due to the floor contact. The sitting posture is done in a comfortable, cross-legged position. Start the natural inhalation-exhalation process and try not to engage your mind in different thoughts. Always keep in mind to inhale only though your nose without involving your mouth. On inhalation, fill your belly with air and then gradually exhale using your nose. Repeat the process for around 5-6 breaths and then relax.

Cobbler: Bring the soles of your feet together and hinge forward. Sit on the floor or bed with your legs out in front of you. Bring the soles of your feet together and your knees wide apart. Bring your heels toward your body. Sit up straight, grab your feet, take a deep breath, and hinge forward from your hips as you exhale. Keep your back straight; don't force yourself down.

Corpse Pose: Relax, breathe deeply, and let the stress of the day go.

Child Pose
Authentic Yoga is a collaboration between Deepak Chopra and Tara Stiles. In this video learn the practice of Child Pose.

Knees To Chest Pose0:17
Authentic Yoga is a collaboration between Deepak Chopra and Tara Stiles. In this video learn the practice of Knees To Chest Pose.

Forward Bend Pose
Authentic Yoga is a collaboration between Deepak Chopra and Tara Stiles. In this video learn the practice of Forward Bend Pose.

Butterfly Pose
Authentic Yoga is a collaboration between Deepak Chopra and Tara Stiles. In this video learn the practice of Butterfly Pose.

Downward Dog
Authentic Yoga is a collaboration between Deepak Chopra and Tara Stiles. In this video learn the practice of Downward Dog.

Lying Down Twist Pose Left0:39
Authentic Yoga is a collaboration between Deepak Chopra and Tara Stiles. In this video learn the practice of Lying Down Twist Pose Left.

With Lots Of Good Wishes To All The Visitors!:)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Ditch the Itch! Natural Mosquito Bite Remedies

Alcohol: While pounding a few beers can help you forget about your itchy skin, that's not the type of alcohol I'm talking about. Grab rubbing alcohol or an alcohol wipe from a first aid kit and clean the infected area as soon as you notice you're bitten, and it can help prevent severe itchiness. No alcohol? Simple soap and water works well, too.

Lemon or lime juice: Naturally anti-itch, antibacterial, and antimicrobial, a little bit of fresh-squeezed juice on the affected area can reduce itchiness and prevent infection. Use this remedy indoors since direct sun exposure can cause your skin to blister.

Ice: To reduce swelling and numb the itch away, an ice pack does the trick. If you have too many bites to count, go for a cold shower or a dip in a chilly lake.

Baking soda and witch hazel: For an inexpensive anti-itch remedy, make a thick paste with these two ingredients and apply it to your bites for 15 minutes. Baking soda contains an alkaline compound that may help neutralize the pH of your skin, which can help ease inflammation. If you don't have witch hazel, use water instead.

Tea tree oil: A natural anti-inflammatory that can help with acne or poison ivy, this essential oil can also help reduce swelling and prevent infection if you can't help but scratch.

Toothpaste: If you don't mind little white spots all over your skin, apply dabs of peppermint toothpaste for quick itch relief.

Salt: For fast relief, moisten the bite with a little water and gently rub it with finely ground salt. Or better yet, if you're near the beach, go for a saltwater swim.

Aloe: The cooling effect of fresh aloe can soothe the itch and help heal the skin if it has been scratched open.

Apple cider vinegar: Diluted in your bathtub, it not only can soothe sunburn, but the malic acid in apple cider vinegar can also soothe your itch. Not into taking a bath? Dab a few drops on a cotton ball and apply directly to the affected areas.

Banana peel: Don't knock it till you try it! The sugars from the peel may help draw fluid out of the bite, so try rubbing the inside of a banana peel on the area.

Saliva: A trick my brother used to use on me, spit a little on your finger, gently dab it on the bite, and let air-dry.

Slapping: It may seem a little odd, but you can confuse your nerves by slapping the area with your hands, and your brain won't be able to discern between itch and pain.

best ways to become a better saver

8 ways to become a better saver
Set a Realistic Goal

If you’re disciplined enough to save money consistently on a monthly basis, start off with a small budget. Don’t feel like you have to put off saving because there isn’t enough money.

Saving Rs 25000 per month may not be in your budget, but 5000 is. After saving those small increments, increase the amount of money you're saving.

As a rule, you should be saving 20% of your take-home pay. It’s a good idea to set up alerts as a reminder to stay on top of your savings goals.

8 ways to become a better saver